Javier F. Chento


Javier es laico vicenciano, afiliado a la Congregación de la Misión y miembro de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl en España.
People, faces, names, stories

People, faces, names, stories

This weekend, Pope Francis visited the refugee camp in Lesbos (Greece). With him were the leaders of the Orthodox Church, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, and Jerome II, Archbishop of Athens. The news has not gone unnoticed in the European media, even if many...

Earthquake in Ecuador

Earthquake in Ecuador

As we all know, an earthquake of 7.8 degrees on the Richter scale devastated this Saturday night much of Ecuador's land, and has caused a still unpredictable tragedy. More than 400 people have died, 2,500+ have been wounded, and a number of people in the country is...

Diversity Of Services To The Needy

Diversity Of Services To The Needy

On Saturday, February 27, Vincentian Family volunteers from Kiev came to rehabilitation center for women "Community in Dialog” in Odessa. The of the visit was to teach women undergoing rehabilitation how to paint authentic Ukrainian Easter eggs. It is also an...

The Vincentian Family in Panama

The Vincentian Family in Panama

The joy of living together in unity. Many years ago, with that very sentiment, the members of the Vincentian Family in Panama began the process of serving their sisters and brothers who were most poor. According to our historical records this process began in 1875 on...

Layers and barks

The coconut is a difficult fruit to split open. You will need a machete or a large knife to get to its delicious meat. In many parts of Latin America, fresh coconut water serves to quench the thirst of those on a walk. Staying in my memory is the amazing agility of...

The Christians’ sign

The Christians’ sign

It has been many years ago that I was told the following little story: While the teacher was correcting the religion exams of her students, she was surprised to read Pilar’s answer to the question, “What is the sign that identifies Christians?” Except for a few...