Laudato Si

Called to Ecological Conversion

One of the themes threaded throughout Laudato Si’ is the need for an ecological conversion.

The Value of Everyone

In today’s world where countless organisms have been destroyed or are under threat, the cross of Christ reveals God’s redemptive co-suffering with creation in all its complexity, struggle and pain.

Integral Ecology and Universal Solidarity

All is connected. This concept, examined at length in Laudato Si, is critically important to Catholics and all people who seek to address the crises gripping our world without abandoning our humanity.

In Search of Dignity

We as human beings, throughout the world, are faced with a problem that should be causing each of us to search inside ourselves and ask “am I responsible for someone’s loss of dignity?” 

The Value of Everyone

In Search of Dignity

We as human beings, throughout the world, are faced with a problem that should be causing each of us to search inside ourselves and ask “am I responsible for someone’s loss of dignity?”