Voice of the Poor

Collaboration Works! – Good News

Demonstrations of the power of collaboration in systemic change.

A Witness Perspective: Poverty is Not a “Thing” – It’s About People

From my perspective as a long-time and former Louisville Catholic Charities employee serving in several different social justice ministry functions and now in my volunteer role as the Mideast Voice of the Poor Regional Leader, I’d like to offer during National Poverty...

Notice from the SVDP USA

The SVDP USA changed their advocacy platform last month to "VoterVoice." Many in the Vincentian Family are accustomed to "CapWiz," and now when you go to the CapWiz link you get a message with only this information: The SVDP writes The new link is:...

Vincentians making a dent in the universe

“I have a passion for the issues that face those we visit. And I know that advocacy would help. But I’m just one person. What can I do?”

The voice of the poor – ten years later

The voice of the poor – ten years later

Recently 100 Christian leaders called on presidential candidates to declare themselves on issues encompassed by the "Circle of Compassion". Way back in 2005 Fr. Dennis Holtschneider CM proposed that the Vincentian Family become, in effect, lobbyists for those who have...

“I’m just one person. What can I do?”

“I’m just one person. What can I do?”

“I have a passion for the issues that face those we visit. And I know that advocacy would help. But I’m just one person. What can I do?” Jack Murphy, Atlanta, GA, National Voice Of the Poor Chair voices the concern and offers a Vincentian response…. Just one person can make a difference.

Hearing the cries of the poor at the border

Who hears the cry of the young mothers and children detained at the border? asks Giulio Grecchi, Tucson, AZ, Western Region Voice of the Poor Representative. After describing the situation he pleads “Something has to be changed” and offers suggestions about what Vincentian can do

Voice of the Poor gets heard on editorial page

Why be the Voice of the Poor?

By identifying and bringing attention to those issues that are critical to those living in poverty and to the structures, societal and legislative, that cause and perpetuate poverty, VOP Vincentians can help communities and elected representatives to develop strategies and tactics that will provide the most effective and efficient mean to reduce or eliminate poverty.