Vincentian Family

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

Whenever I have taught the Epistles of Paul or instructed lectors on these texts, I emphasize that one must read these letters as if they were addressed to oneself and to a Christian community gathered to hear them. 

A Vincentian View: Journeying Together – To Bethlehem

In an earlier post, I noted how the Holy Father’s summons to “synodality” attracts me.  His call to “journey together” reminds me of how often I travel alone and according to my own devices.  Who should be my companions on the way and what provisions should I bring? ...

A Vincentian View: Journeying Together – Joseph and Mary

Pope Francis has decided that an emphasis in our Catholic community for the next few years will focus our attention on the concept of “synodality.”

A Vincentian View: The Holy Name of Jesus

From the earliest days of my Catholic education, the good School Sisters of Notre Dame taught my young schoolmates and me to bow our heads when we said the name “Jesus.”