St. John’s University

Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor (LS 49): a Series of Encounters

Please join the conversation between students from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland and St. John’s University on March 4, 2024 at 2:00pm ET.

Local College Students Find Faith Revitalized at Eucharistic Congress

Eight St. John’s University students experienced the New York Eucharistic Congress.

Video – The Saint and the Duchess: Collaboration at the Heart of Vincentian Heritage

Bronwen McShea, scholar of 17th century religious and political history, presents “The Saint and the Duchess: Collaboration at the Heart of Vincentian Heritage.”

Seventh issue of the Journal of Vincentian Social Action (JoVSA)

St. John’s University Department of Mission Initiatives and the Faculty Research Consortium are happy to announce the publication of the seventh issue of its online resource, the Journal of Vincentian Social Action (JoVSA).

Vincentian Center hosts poverty conference

Vincentian Center hosts poverty conference

The Vincentian Center for Church and Society at St. John’s—along with the faculty Vincentian Research Fellows—hosted the daylong event, entitled “Care for Our Common Home: The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.” Approximately 240 participants, attendees,...

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie - St. John’s University students have been invited and challenged to enter into the experience of Blessed Rosalie Rendu and Frederic Ozanam in the Freshman Rendu Plunge August 21-25 2015. Almost 200 years ago a fellow student at the...

Look with love… move with mercy

Look with love… move with mercy

St. John's University chose “Look with love… move with mercy” as the theme for it 2015 celebration of Founder's Week. Fr. John Maher, C.M. shares this presentation which challenges us to “Look with love… move with mercy” as did St. Vincent. He walks us through where...