Sisters of Charity

History of the Charity Federation (recently enhanced video)

History of the Charity Federation (recently enhanced video)

Resolutions and Gifts of the New Year – E-Voc

Instead of resolutions for change, entering the new year can be a good time to take inventory of what is working for you at this point in your life, what you are good at, what you are learning and developing.

Regina Bechtle, SC reflects on Elizabeth and Epiphany

Epiphany – it’s no accident that the feast of St. Elizabeth Seton falls on or near this day each year. Epiphany celebrates a manifestation, a revelation, a great “aha” moment.

A Restraining Order Can Be Just A Videoconference Away

A judge will be on call by iPad at night and on weekends, when most domestic violence victims show up at the hospital.

October Beatification in Bayonne NJ

Sister Miriam Teresa, a Sister of Charity - New Jersey,  will be Beatified on October 4th, 2014 in Sacred Heart Basilica in Newark. The Charity Federation website posts notice of a Day of Reflection - “Venerable Sister Miriam Teresa SC: Her Life, Spirituality and...