Ross Dizon

Brother Especially to the Outcasts

Shepherd and King, Jesus leads us and saves us.  He is a brother to all, especially to those who are poor.  He wants us to be brothers and sisters to all as he is. Our Leader and Savior is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters.  This, of course, means that he is...

Look ahead to the Lord’s Joy and Taste It

Jesus will come back in glory to take to heaven those who are his own.  They love like him as they look ahead to his coming.  They thus get a taste of heaven’s joy.  We have to look ahead to our Savior Jesus Christ’s coming back in glory. The liturgy we hold today...

Fire up Our Whole Selves with Love

Jesus makes known by words and deeds that we cannot love God without loving our neighbor.  We Christians seek to fire up ourselves with love. The Church asks us today to keep watch. For we do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man will come back. And to keep...

Slaves in the Same Way as Jesus

Jesus takes the form a slave and becomes like us.  We who seek to follow him are to become lowly slaves in the same way that he is.   For us who try to be and live as Jesus, to be first means to be slaves (Mk 10, 43-45). And today’s gospel teaches the same lesson. ...
Homage to the King of the Jews and of All Nations

Justify Those Who Are Not Wholly Just

Jesus is “God-with-us.”  This name makes known that the one who alone is holy is with us who are not holy; he wants to justify us. The angel of Joseph’s dream seems to justify Mary, to show her not guilty, to say that she has been true to him.  But there are those who...

Homage to the King of the Jews and of All Nations

Announce the Good News to the Poor

Jesus is God’s Anointed and Sent One to announce the Good News to the poor.  To belong to God and to Jesus is to belong to the poor. John the Baptist seems to go into crisis, and his whole group with him.  For what he hears in prison about Jesus does not sound...

Homage to the King of the Jews and of All Nations

Prepare the Way of the Lord Jesus

Jesus is the King who comes to rule the earth with justice.  We all have to repent and prepare for his coming. To prepare the way of the Lord, this is what all of John the Baptist’s being and doing is about.  To prepare means, first of all, to preach repentance, to...

Homage to the King of the Jews and of All Nations

Fix our Gaze on our Lord Jesus

After putting up with the shameful cross, Jesus has been lifted up to the highest place.  To fix our eyes on him means not to lose heart. A new year starts in the Church, but she asks us to fix our gaze on the end.  It tells us, “Eyes on the prize.”   It is the...

Homage to the King of the Jews and of All Nations

Sun of Justice That Saves and Heals

Jesus is the sun of justice that enlightens us who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. The Ukrainians suffer very much due to the war.  And life will be harder still for millions.  For they are plunged into the cold and the dark; thanks to the sun for heat and...

Homage to the King of the Jews and of All Nations

Believers, and Not Just Thinkers

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.  It is enough for us to be believers in him to conquer death. The problem of religion does not lie in those who are not believers but in those who are believers.  It does not lie in the publican, but in the Pharisee that looks...

Homage to the King of the Jews and of All Nations

Save What Is Lost, This Is What It Is About

Jesus, the Son of Man, has come to seek and to save what is lost.  No, there are no lost cases for him. St. Luke tells us that Zacchaeus is a chief publican and a wealthy man.  This means that, in the eyes of others, no one can save him. For he is a publican, that is...

Homage to the King of the Jews and of All Nations

Just Servants of the Holy Lord

Jesus is the image of the all-just God who alone is good.  Before him and before God, no one is just. Last Sunday’s theme on prayer is back today.  For Jesus tells the parable of the Pharisee and the publican.  The two are in the temple to pray.  And St. Luke lets us...

Cries of Those Who Are Poor for Justice

Cries of Those Who Are Poor for Justice

Jesus is the help that comes from above.  He is at once the unflagging prayer for the poor and the saving answer to their cries. Jesus tells his disciples the parable of the widow and the judge.  He wants to teach them how they should pray to the one who hears the...