Ross Dizon

Greatest Love for the Neighbor

Jesus, who brings in the kingdom of God, loves us to the end, to the point of giving up his body and shedding his blood.  Such greatest love makes for the kingdom being fully set up.  Jesus is in Jerusalem.  He teaches and answers questions from the wise and learned. ...

Hinder the Plans That God Has For Us

Jesus calls all the little folks, weary and burdened, to give them rest. Their load comes from the wise who seek to hinder them.

Haughty That Are on the Way to Gehenna

Jesus is meek and lowly of heart.  Hence, he wants us to be meek and lowly of heart also, and not at all haughty.  John and the other disciples way well be as jealous for Jesus’ sake as Joshua was for Moses’.  Or they may be so haughty.  Haughty enough to think that...

Eyes and a Heart Directed toward the Poor

Jesus makes clear what it means to have eyes and a heart for those who are poor. Those who follow him are to have eyes and a heart for them also.

Bear Much Fruit Means Die with Christ

Give Witness to the Lamb of God

Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.  We are to fix our gaze on him and give witness to him. And we thank God for revealing this to John the Baptist and for sending him to give witness to it.  May God give us now the grace to take a long and...

Bear Much Fruit Means Die with Christ

Disrupt the State of Affairs Today

Jesus shows us his glory and mercy.  Such epiphany makes known that the time has come to disrupt things as they now are.  Magi from the east show up in Jerusalem.  And the question they ask turns out to undermine the powers that be.  For it troubles King Herod greatly...

Bear Much Fruit Means Die with Christ

Justify Those Who Are Not Wholly Just

Jesus is “God-with-us.”  This name makes known that the one who alone is holy is with us who are not holy; he wants to justify us. The angel of Joseph’s dream seems to justify Mary, to show her not guilty, to say that she has been true to him.  But there are those who...

Bear Much Fruit Means Die with Christ

Announce the Good News to the Poor

Jesus is God’s Anointed and Sent One to announce the Good News to the poor.  To belong to God and to Jesus is to belong to the poor. John the Baptist seems to go into crisis, and his whole group with him.  For what he hears in prison about Jesus does not sound...

Bear Much Fruit Means Die with Christ

Prepare the Way of the Lord Jesus

Jesus is the King who comes to rule the earth with justice.  We all have to repent and prepare for his coming. To prepare the way of the Lord, this is what all of John the Baptist’s being and doing is about.  To prepare means, first of all, to preach repentance, to...

Bear Much Fruit Means Die with Christ

Fix our Gaze on our Lord Jesus

After putting up with the shameful cross, Jesus has been lifted up to the highest place.  To fix our eyes on him means not to lose heart. A new year starts in the Church, but she asks us to fix our gaze on the end.  It tells us, “Eyes on the prize.”   It is the...

Bear Much Fruit Means Die with Christ

Sun of Justice That Saves and Heals

Jesus is the sun of justice that enlightens us who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. The Ukrainians suffer very much due to the war.  And life will be harder still for millions.  For they are plunged into the cold and the dark; thanks to the sun for heat and...