
Batsirai Cyclone in Madagascar

Once again, Madagascar has been hit by a natural disaster that has received little media coverage. This time, the Batsirai Cyclone traced a path of devastation from the south-eastern coast across the southern highlands to the coast of Mozambique, devastating mainly...

10 years of the Tsiry project: review and outlook

From AIC International When the “Tsiry” (“seeds” in Malagasy) literacy project started in autumn 2010 with the training of teachers, nobody had any idea how long-term, successful, and sustainable the programme would be. Since 2011, 5509 adults and 2180 children,...

Catholic missionary priest nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

The Prime Minister of Slovenia, has announced that he nominated Opeka for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for his dedication to “helping people living in appalling living conditions.”

The documentary “Opeka” Wins the Golden Palm at the Beverly Hills Film Festival

Yesterday, Saturday, June 20, the winners of the prestigious Beverly Hills Film Festival were announced. The documentary "Opeka," about the life and work of Pedro Opeka, a missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Madagascar, has won the Golden Palm. The...
Interview with Father Pedro Opeka, C.M.

Interview with Father Pedro Opeka, C.M.

Taking advantage of his visit to Rome in 2018, the journalist Elena Grazini had the opportunity to ask some questions to Father Pedro Opeka, missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Madagascar: 1- Father Pedro what does it mean today to live in Akamasoa? How...

A Dream Called Akamasoa

A Dream Called Akamasoa

The visit to Rome of Father Pedro Pablo Opeka, CM, had a double purpose: to make known the work done in the Mission of Madagascar among the most forgotten poor and to collect funds to continue that work in Akamasoa. At the press conference held in Rome, Father Pedro...

Historic meeting of 22 Vincentian Bishops

Historic meeting of 22 Vincentian Bishops

For the first time ever all of the Vincentian Bishops were invited to meet in Rome. From June 23-25 twenty-two of the thirty-two bishops are participating in this gathering. They come from Lebanon, Italy, Poland, Colombia, Brazil, Mozambique, India, Madagascar,...