Laudato Si

Young Vincentians from Portugal mobilize for Lebanon

Several groups of the Vincentian Marian Youth of Portugal mobilized to send funds to the International Vincentian Family for Lebanon.

Exploring Laudato Si and Racism

Concern for the environment thus needs to be joined to a sincere love for our fellow human beings and an unwavering commitment to resolving the problems of society.

The FHA & Laudato Si’ – The Famvin Homeless Alliance and Laudato Si’ (and III)

The following is Part 3 of a reflection on our Pope’s words and a consideration of how Laudato Si’ both informs and affirms the work of the Famvin Homeless Alliance.

Vincentians & Laudato Si’ – The Famvin Homeless Alliance and Laudato Si’ (II)

The following is Part 2 of a reflection on our Pope’s words and a consideration of how Laudato Si’ both informs and affirms the work of the Famvin Homeless Alliance.

Laudato Si’ Week and the Vincentian Family

Laudato Si’ Week and the Vincentian Family

International Catholic eco-groups like the Global Catholic Climate Movement want you to know about “Laudato Si’ Week,” June 12th through the 19th, and they want us all to take part. The goal is to keep the spotlight on the Holy Father’s eco-encyclical, and to continue...

A call to ecological conversion

A call to ecological conversion

Sr. Carol Jean Wille, Sister of Charity (Cincinnati), reflects on a call to ecological conversion and the role that women's communities have been playing for some time. She writes in A call to Ecological Conversion - Global Sisters Report, National Catholic...