
Why Be a Daughter of Charity in the 21st Century?

Greetings. My name is Dolores. I have been asked to share with all of you in a few words why I am a Daughter of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. So I begin by explaining why I follow "this man who gave his life for you and for me." Any option today, given the social...

A Call to Serve: Young Vincentian Having an Impact

In a video posted by Vinnies Victoria, a young Vincentian tells his story. Much like St. Vincent de Paul Society Founder, Frederic Ozanam, he first became involved as a university student.

Charism is the Core of our Lives: #VincentianMonth is Every Month

Living simply, caring for our planet and conserving resources, … are just a few of the ways we continue to live out the charism.

How Do I Know What To Do Next Year?

Knowing what to do comes by a process called discernment. part of that process is listening to the stories of others. So listen (well, read....) My Experience by Stephanie Williams, Vincentian Service Corps - West Working at St. Vincent School has been a whirlwind of...


Throughout my life I have sensed — thanks to my parents, family, friends, through the school, the parish — how my name was tattooed in the palm of God's hand. How is this? Because it is not a feeling, but an experience. It is difficult to explain, but very real. I...

A Giving Tuesday Morning #IamVincent

A Giving Tuesday Morning #IamVincent

It was Giving Tuesday. While most college students were sound asleep Tuesday morning, Justin Crawford woke up early to volunteer at Community Missions of Niagara Frontier. By 6:15 a.m., the Niagara University junior and several of his peers were clad in hairnets and...