
I Love People Like Alexis Fuentes #IamVincent

In January of last year, I met with a young woman in a cafe in northern New Jersey. She is Alexis Fuentes, a former Missionary Cenacle Volunteer, and I spoke with her about her connection to the Vincentian Family and a bit of her life as she was living it. She's a...

Sisters of Charity Federation – Welcoming the Stranger Among Us

Each month, the Sisters of Charity Federation will be posting images from Charity Federation archives that demonstrate how these congregations "Welcome the Stranger Among Us," the theme of the 400th anniversary of Vincentian charism. This first month, the photograph...

Seeds of Every Ordinary Moment #IamVincent

We just celebrated Christmas – God is with us. This is one of my favorite times of the liturgical calendar, because of the invitation to prepare for the coming of Christ into our world and then to live Christ’s presence. This idea of preparing has been especially...

At Any Age #IamVincent

We sometimes have an image of Vincentians as adults, or at least young adults, but people can say #IamVincent at any age. Good news is abundant at the St. Vincent de Paul Young Adult Center in Philadelphia(USA). When you live your faith without this aspect of...

#famvin400 Who am I?

A Vincentian wants to know the answer to the question, "Who am I?" Too often, we only answer the question, "What have I done?" Part of preparing for the coming 400th anniversary year is coming to know ourselves in God's eyes. Are we willing to look deeply? Listen to...

The Princess Project #IamVincent

The Princess Project #IamVincent

Wouldn’t it be great if we …” has been the beginning to countless programs in the 200-year history of the Sisters of Charity of New York, programs that have responded to needs both big and small. As our mission continues to grow through our sponsored works, we witness...

At the Door of Mercy #IamVincent

At the Door of Mercy #IamVincent

Church of Saint Laurent (Paris), May 7, 2016. A poor man sleeps at the gates of St. Lawrence church, in Paris. It's 9 am, several hours have passed since the city has already begun its busy day. In the photo, a dirty and tatty temple with rehabilitation underway. At...