Good news from Ukraine!

Good news from Ukraine – three ordinations to the priesthood in Congregation of the Mission

Gospel Joy and Vincentian International Missions

“Gospel Joy” tells the little known stories of Vincentian Fathers and Brothers who have committed themselves to sharing Gospel Joy in some of the remotest and forgotten areas of the planet

Latest issue of Nuntia online

The latest issue of NUNTIA of the Congregation of the Mission is now online. It features a lengthy report of Father Gregory’s visitation of the Eastern Province.

CM Superior General speaks of Mercy

Father Gregory Gay CM, Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, speaks of mercy. From the website of the Brothers of the CMM (Congregatio Fratrum Beatae Mariae Virginis, Mater Misericordiae). "To have an inspiring start of this day, the general board had...

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