A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Preach the Good News to the Poor

Jesus is the one the Lord God has anointed with the Holy Spirit and has sent to preach the Good News to the poor. In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  And the sacred writers and wise holy men and women bring them to light for us to see.  We...

Give Witness to the Lamb of God

Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.  We are to fix our gaze on him and give witness to him. And we thank God for revealing this to John the Baptist and for sending him to give witness to it.  May God give us now the grace to take a long and...

Disrupt the State of Affairs Today

Jesus shows us his glory and mercy.  Such epiphany makes known that the time has come to disrupt things as they now are.  Magi from the east show up in Jerusalem.  And the question they ask turns out to undermine the powers that be.  For it troubles King Herod greatly...

Hold Dear and Reflect on All These Things

The baby lying in the manger bears the name Jesus and is Mary’s Son.  He calls us to hold dear all that we hear and see about him. The Savior of the world shows he is as though no one and nothing as just a child (SV.EN VI:170).  A baby, yes, like other babies that...
Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Jesus is the Word of the Father.  So, he does not speak on his own; the Father who has sent him commands him what to say (Jn 12, 49).  We, in turn, should only speak what Jesus tells us. God starts to speak, and just like that creation gets underway.  That means, he...

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Willing to Hear and Proclaim Jesus

Jesus is the Firstborn among the prophets who are willing to hear and proclaim the word of God.  He does not tire until he brings forth justice on earth. Peter and Andrew are so willing to follow Jesus that they answer his call just like that.  They do not ask the...

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Hide in Jesus Christ and Let Him Fill Us

Jesus saves us, shelters us and gives us our fill.  Those who go to him, and ask to hide in him and to have his fullness, are never disappointed. We are back to the Ordinary Time (OT).  Each week only gets the “ordinal” number.  Hence, the word “ordinary.”  And so,...

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Nationalism, Racism, Exclusivism

Jesus is the Suffering Servant of God who anoints him with the Spirit.  He brings forth justice to the nations.  Hence, he and nationalism cannot mix. What he himself has seen and what Cornelius has told him make Peter sure that God is not partial.  That is to say,...

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Nations, All Nations, Will Worship the Lord

Jesus is the light of the nations.  That is why to follow him means to welcome Gentiles from all races, tongues, peoples and nations. Ps 149, 6 asks that praise be on the lips of the faithful.  And swords in their hands to take revenge on the nations. Is it due to...

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Faces of God, of Jesus, of Those in Need

Jesus embodies the blessing that God pours out on us through the Holy Spirit.  His face shines on us, so that our faces may mirror his. The faces of Mary and Joseph gleam since on them shines the face of Jesus.  He is the great eternal high priest (Heb 2, 17; 4, 14;...

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Amazing and Challenging Good News

In an amazing way, God becomes the son of the human family, so that we may belong to the family of God. The parents find amazing what they hear about their baby boy. It is as though an angel never brought them the amazing Good News about their son. But that is how the...

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Spread the Unbelievable Good News

A Savior has been born for us, who is Christ and Lord.  This is the Good News of great joy that the angel brings.  It must spread, for it is for all the people. The decree that there be a census cannot but spread.  And that is why those of the house and family of king...

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Abode of Prayer and Hope for All

Jesus makes his abode among us.  He is the house of prayer and hope for all peoples.  And he fulfills God’s promise to David. David plans to build a house that will be the Lord’s abode.  The Lord answers and reminds him of the great things that he has done for him....