Vincentian Family

Beyond Waving Palm Branches

On Palm Sunday will I be waving the palm branches of my blind spots or holding high the cross of God’s universal love?

Interview with Sr. Elisabeth Halbmann, General Superior of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul in Untermarchtal (Germany)

Sr. Elisabeth Halbmann, General Superior of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul in Untermarchtal (Germany) discusses her congregation.

Falling In Love With “Real Families”

It is a shame that most people only hear polarized pundits cherry-picking from a select few paragraphs, or even just footnotes, in what in reality is an inspiring document describing and addressed to the real family of today.

Oxen and Cell Phones

Cell phones, once a luxury, are now almost a necessity.  For the impoverished, especially in rural areas, they can make all the difference for one’s life and health.