In January 2019, the Vincentian Family Office (with the approval of the Vincentian Family Executive Committee and the coordination of its International Communications Commission) promoted a festival of new songs under the motto: “Followers of Jesus Christ, servants of the poor.”
47 songs from 14 different countries were presented. We want to thank each and every one of the participants for their great contribution. All the songs presented are on the festival website, at this address:

Draft CD design
The festival was not raised as a contest, because we are not here to compete, but to collaborate. But from the outset it was thought to make a Compact Disc with a selection of the songs presented, to preserve a memory of the event. A team of ten professional musicians and Vincentians have selected 18 songs, considering not only the musical and lyric quality of the songs presented, but also that there be adequate representation of all the countries that presented songs.
The songs selected for this recording are (in alphabetical order):
- Alegre servidor, Vicente de Paúl [Cheerful servant, Vincent de Paul] (Colombia)
- Ámalos más (Carta de san Vicente) [Love them more (Letter of Saint Vincent)] (Mexico)
- Como hermanos [As brothers] (Colombia)
- Como Luisa y Vicente [Like Louise and Vincent] (Bolivia)
- El amor es creativo [Love is creative] (Peru)
- El espíritu vicentino [The Vincentian spirit] (Ecuador)
- Enseñar y amar [Teach and love] (Colombia)
- Federico Ozanam [Frederic Ozanam] (Spain)
- Qué hay que hacer [What to do] (United States)
- Sacude la pobreza [Shake poverty] (Spain)
- San Vicente de la gente [Saint Vincent of the People] (Peru)
- Santa Luisa es caridad [Saint Louise is charity] (Dominican Republic)
- Santa Luisa, madre y modelo [Saint Louise, mother and role model] (Nicaragua)
- Seguidores de Jesucristo [Followers of Jesus Christ] (Venezuela)
- Seguidores de Jesucristo, servidores de los pobres [Followers of Jesus Christ, servants of the poor] (Costa Rica)
- Un lugar especial [A special place] (Puerto Rico)
- Vocación vicentina [Vincentian vocation] (Panama)
- Yo quiero ser un misionero [I want to be a missionary] (Guatemala)
The recording process, with professional musicians, has already begun, under the production of Trovador, one of the most recognized Spanish Catholic record companies. We look forward to having the work ready by the end of the year, with the intention of presenting it at the meeting of the Superiors General and Presidents of the branches of the Vincentian Family, which will take place in January 2020, in Rome.
Listen to a “demo” of the work we are doing:
Santa Luisa, madre y modelo:
After such a good experience in Spanish, the same festival has already been convened, this time in English, with the intention of doing the same in other languages in the coming months. All the information for the festival in English is at:
Second Vincentian Song Festival: “Followers of Jesus Christ, Servants of the Poor,” Now in English!