Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Youth and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (USA)

The involvement of Youth and Young Adults is an ongoing process that began with the beginning of the SVDP with Frederic Ozanam and his friends.

“If Anyone Wants to be First, he Must Make Himself Last of All and Servant of All”

This Sunday, September 23, the Gospel at Holy Mass contains exactly the motto of the current Board of the International Council General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. The biblical passage is from St Mark 9, 30-37 “They came to Capernaum and when he was in...

Who are we? Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Ireland

The Society in Ireland respects the dignity of those who contact us while assisting them towards long-term self-sufficiency.

The New Edition 2/2018 of the Ozanam Network Newsletter is Available

We have the joy of reporting that edition No. 2/2018 of the Bulletin “Ozanam Network,” official publication of the International General Council of the SSVP is now available. The highlights of this edition are the 2nd International Youth Meeting of the SSVP and the...
Embracing (Systemic) Change – Tyranny of the moment

Embracing (Systemic) Change – Tyranny of the moment

Gary Stevens, National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul writes the following report “Embracing (Systemic) Change” based on his experience recent workshop held by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. One of insights that I gained was that it is hard for many people in poverty to move out of it when they are constantly dealing with one crisis after another (living in the “tyranny of the moment”).