
The GOD minute

A new podcast series to fuel your prayer – The God Minute

Lenten Reflection On Fasting, by Sister of Charity (Video)

Sister Rejane Cytacki, SCL, generously shares some great ideas about fasting from “time-eaters”– those things that take our focus away from our prayer relationship with God.

Mary’s Digital Home “Liked” By Almost 3 Million People

Do you know the address of the Facebook page that has been “liked” by 2.9 million people?

Surprised Into Prayer By the Vincentian Film Festival

I must admit “Finding Charity in Art: The Challenge of the Vincentian Festival”  surprised me into prayer! “

Mobile or Desktop?

Mobile or Desktop?

As we work at .famvin to provide a platform of news and formation that is useful to the Vincentian family, we're constantly asking questions like, "Do they use mobile (phone, tablet) or their desktop (or laptop) as their primary device?" Certainly, the digital world...

.famvin on social media

.famvin on social media

Looking for a quick way to see where FamVin is on social media? We're all over the place! Here is a way to take a quick peek at our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram connections... visit Here are some other perspectives on collaborating for ministry...

Feed yourself with “Feedly”

Feed yourself with “Feedly”

The Vincentian Family is all over the web. Simply browsing all .famvin has to offer can take days. So, you're a busy person, and it can be tough to keep up. But our sites (, vinformation, etc.) produce a helpful little thing called RSS. Here's the simplest...