
Editorial: Collaborating to “Feed” the Vincentian Family

Two years ago, when was a project of the Congregation of the Mission, a trio of Vincentian priests - John Maher, C.M., Joseph Agostino, C.M., and's founder John Freund, C.M. - consulted with many others and produced a plan approved by the...

Resources for Church Communications in the Digital Age (Stuff to Read)

In a great review of existing resources for communicators, Faith and Leadership of Duke University Divinity School lays it all out. Christian leaders -- like leaders in all sectors -- have at their disposal one of the most powerful communications tools ever devised....

Now on Social: It’s About Marketing

Good marketing theory and practice can aid your social media strategy. In "Nonprofit Marketing in 2017: Challenges, Strategies, and Examples," Ann Gynn lays it out for us. Nonprofits start with a critical ingredient that many B2B (Business to Business) and B2C...

Online Fundraising: Communicating Urgency

More and more we're relying on social media as a large part of our fundraising efforts. You want a response. You want to create urgency. Consider these key elements whenever you're designing a fundraising campaign. So it’s your job to compel a supporter to act now....
Messaging. Where are you?

Messaging. Where are you?

The world is moving to messaging. We told you about .famvin on Telegram, and not many of you seemed interested 🙁 Many of you use WhatsApp. In a public Q&A session November 2014, Mark Zuckerberg explained: “Messaging is one of the few things that people do more...

Now on Social: Busted Halo for Triduum

Now on Social: Busted Halo for Triduum Catholic Christian belief is that all God’s children are “saints in the making.” Everyone is called to aspire toward the holiness and selflessness of a Mother Teresa or Saint Francis. At the...

The Tweetable Pope

The Tweetable Pope

Tweetable. It means that the things you say can capture the imagination in 140 characters or less! Certainly, Pope Francis qualifies. MillenialJournal, which characterizes itself as "young Catholics -- ancient faith -- new century," has published an interview with...

Now on Social: The GrantSpace Blog

Now on Social: The GrantSpace Blog

Often these days, a blog gets overlooked. Why? Because it doesn’t talk about missionaries, or ministers. It talks about volunteers. For sure, there is a great difference in a person who comes to serve because they are called: a vocation to ministry; or because of...