
Students Present at St. Vincent de Paul Society National Assembly

Two students from the St. John’s student chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society attended the society’s National Assembly in Denver, CO.

VMY International Secretariat Celebrates 20 Years of History

The small town of Noblejas (Spain) hosted the Thanksgiving Mass for the 20th anniversary of the VMY International Secretariat.

A Global Approach to Community Partnership

In the month of August, I embarked on a two week cultural exchange and service experience with six fellow Ozanam Scholars of St. John’s University.

La Moskitia (Honduras), Mission Area

For more than 80 years, the missionaries of the Congregation of the Mission have been present in the communities of the Honduran Moskitia people.

Pope to Israeli reporter “How Can I Help?”

Pope to Israeli reporter “How Can I Help?”

America Magazine reports ....On 13 June 2013,  Pope Francis granted an interview to Israel’s Channel 2 TV at Santa Marta, the Vatican guesthouse where he lives. That interview made history; it was the first time that a TV crew entered Santa Marta to interview the...

Saints are not heroes!

Saints are not heroes!

At least that is what Pope Francis thinks! Pope's Mass: Saints are not heroes, they are sinners that bear witness to Christ During his homily at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis talked about the path to holiness. He explained that saints are not heroes, but sinners that...

The Surprising Humor of St. John XXIII

The Surprising Humor of St. John XXIII

The Surprising Humor of St. John XXIII -  Father James Martin. SJ writes on the US Bishops blog... One night, in the late 1980s, during a retreat as a first-year Jesuit novice, I was poking around the retreat house library when I should have been praying. By chance, I...

What Francis highlighted about the two Popes

In his homily during the canonization Pope Francis highlighted things he learned from the two saints according to RomeReports POPE FRANCIS  "These were two men of courage, filled with the parrhesia of the Holy Spirit, and they bore witness before the Church and the...