
COVID-19 Crisis and Advocacy on Homelessness

The COVID- 19 pandemic has exasperated the existing inequalities and very specially the condition of homeless people in urban areas.

Kenyan Nun Braving Harsh COVID-19 Times to Sustain Street Feeding Program

Upendo Street Children (USC) Project is a charity organization which restores dignity to homeless children, empowers them in education and reunites them with their respective families.

Charity Expands Services to Support More Demographics During COVID-19

The Glasgow based charity has set up a number of additional services to help meet the needs of vulnerable people during the Coronavirus pandemic.

EWTN Video on Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, S.C. Premieres May 8

EWTN has developed a video on Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, S.C. that will premiere this Friday, May 8 at 5:30 pm ET

#IamVincent @NU Philadelphia

#IamVincent @NU Philadelphia

In the Germantown section of Philadelphia, senior biology major Jeffrey Gansworth was one of eight students (and two chaperones) that performed work at centers that offered free food to diseased residents, shelters for the homeless, and after-school programs in the...

#IamVincent @NU Philadelphia

#IamVincent @NU Panama

10 Niagara students were joined by two university employees as they traveled to several locations in Panama. In what each participant called an “eye-opening experience,” the group spent time in the Nueva Vida nursing home and Hogar Malambo orphanage in Balboa – and...