
Visit to the United Nation in Geneva

Sister Franca Edet, DC, who is a member of the Daughters of Charity United Nations Advisory Group, had the opportunity to visit the Daughters of Charity in Geneva and to visit the UN there.

May Our Hope Be More Contagious than the Coronavirus!

At this time of great need and social distancing, many people extend their hands to provide necessary relief to those people who are suffering and in pain.

Leavenworth Shelter Serves Homeless During Pandemic

The Interfaith Community of Hope in Leavenworth, Kansas is working with the community and the Health Department to serve the homeless during the pandemic.

Concern at the level of anxiety among students prompts uplifting musical video from Young SVP 

Members Young SVP programme in the South East of Ireland put together a beautiful musical video to drive home the message that young people are not alone.

The Tweetable Pope

The Tweetable Pope

Tweetable. It means that the things you say can capture the imagination in 140 characters or less! Certainly, Pope Francis qualifies. MillenialJournal, which characterizes itself as "young Catholics -- ancient faith -- new century," has published an interview with...

Mount St. Joseph University names new president

On Tuesday, March 15, Dr. H. James Williams will assume the role of the seventh president of Mount St. Joseph University. Williams said Mount St. Joseph’s mission, vision and values attracted Williams and resonated with him when he visited the campus. Williams is...

In Support of our Muslim Brothers and Sisters

In Support of our Muslim Brothers and Sisters

The following is a statement from the Vincentian Family Social Justice Representatives of North America for education and formation of members: Vincentian Family Social Justice Representatives’ Statement in Support of Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters The Vincentian...

Vincentians in Action #IamVincent @DePaul

Vincentians in Action #IamVincent @DePaul

Vincentians in Action at DePaul University held a successful night of reflection as students and community partners came together to perform and share their passion for social justice and service through art, dance, song, spoken word, poetry and other forms of...