
Q&A Session with the President of the SSVP: Transparency and Dialogue

Vincentians from all over the world will have the chance to ask questions and share comments with the President General of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul on Facebook Live (simultaneous interpreting).

Even during this time of pandemic, the Vincentian Family celebrates

In the afternoon, many families set out to celebrate, in a caravan of cars, another anniversary of the message of love and hope who always characterized Saint Vincent de Paul.

Father Virgil Cordano Center Adapts During Pandemic

The Fr. Virgil Cordano Center’s (FVCC) purpose is to provide a quiet, respectful, and safe environment for those without housing to experience a place of welcome and support.

“Fratelli tutti” – New Encyclical of Pope Francis

Last Sunday, October 4, the third encyclical of Pope Francis was presented, entitled “Fratelli tutti” in which the Holy Father reflects on fraternity and social friendship.

Exploring the Catholic-Lutheran Relationship

Exploring the Catholic-Lutheran Relationship

Rome was not built in a day! Nor can 500 year old rifts be healed in one visit. But once again Pope Francis is reaching out to another periphery - exploring the Catholic- Lutheran relationship. Time will tell what fruit will come of this journey. Sr. Susan K. Wood, a...