
Are Interruptions the story of your life?

Have you ever thought of interruptions as being the story of Jesus life? Let’s explore Jesus’ interruptions and what they can teach us.

Welcome Home Project Provides Safe Housing for Displaced Families

At the end of 2018, The Vincentian Family started to work on the Welcome Home Project to provide safe housing for 32 displaced families in Parramos, Chimaltenango.

A Vincentian View: Lessons from Ozanam

Labor Day, the beginning of the academic year, and the liturgical calendar (September 8) merge in drawing Antoine-Frédéric Ozanam to my mind at the beginning of September. 

Remember Where You Were on 9/11?

I don’t think I will ever forget the morning of 9/11/2001. The phone rang. A close friend could barely say “Turn on television… the World Trade Center…”  She could not finish the sentence!

New Wineskins Today

New Wineskins Today

This past weekend I experienced a bit of what is sometimes called an “earworm.” Some use this as shorthand for not being able to get a tune out of one’s head. In this case, it wasn’t a tune or the lyrics of a song. I kept thinking of Jesus’ image of the “new...

Host to Jesus, the Word Made Flesh

Host to Jesus, the Word Made Flesh

Jesus is God’s most tender call to us humans.  He is at the same time the warmest human host to God that waits at the door to be let in. On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus stops where Martha and Mary live.  The sisters, not like those in Samaria, play host to him. Maybe...