
Ways of Looking at the Church – Pope Francis

How do you look at the Church today? That’s a question we must ask ourselves.

Children And The Kingdom (Matthew 19:14)

Jesus’ frequent mention of children can shed light on the nature of this Kingdom He speaks about, the Kingdom of his dear Father.

Biblical Gotchas and Coverups

They were comfortable… until they were told a story. Then they learned an uncomfortable truth. The person in the story out there hid in their own heart.

Mysteries of Joy, Light, Sorrow, Glory

Jesus is the greatest mystery of all the mysteries God makes known to those who are like children and hides from the wise and the learned. Jesus’ predictions of his passion, death and resurrection are “mysteries,” so to speak, to them.  That is to say, they do not...
Groan while Yearning to Be Free

Groan while Yearning to Be Free

Jesus is the one who makes us truly free.  He cannot but groan as he sees that we do not yet enjoy the freedom he wants us to have.  Jesus heaves a groan as he heals a man who is deaf and cannot talk.  Such a groan may be a sign of his compassion.  It may also mean it...