
A Vincentian View: “Coming Down the Mountain”

A Scripture passage that frequently captures my Vincentian heart is that of the Transfiguration.

Mary Finally Knows

The question, “Mary did you know” dates from 1984.  Mark Lowry wrote the the lyrics for “Mary, Did You Know?” I find the lyrics raise questions I did not know I wanted to ask Mary.

Foreigners No Longer, But Citizens Rather

Jesus, our peace, makes one the Jews and those who are not Jews: the foreigners. He tears down, through the cross, the wall of hate that separates them.

Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 17

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork made by members of the Vincentian Family.

Meal of Salvation, Meal of Judgment

Meal of Salvation, Meal of Judgment

Jesus is the meal to which we are all invited, so that we may not perish but have eternal life.  Do we come to it wearing the proper attire? To enter God’s kingdom, it is not enough to be in a meal with Jesus, once, twice or more.  He says so as he answers one who...

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