
Did Jesus Contradict Himself?

The editors of Commonweal caught my attention! The editorial titled “Advent in a Time of War” pointed to a contradiction I had never thought of.

Active Waiting (Mark 1:1-8)

The Advent message? Not only to welcome the Lord’s arrival, but also to take the kinds of steps which ease His birthing among us.

Why Did I Create Mindwalk?

Either hopefully conveys a space where people feel comfortable in talking with friends that matter, about things that matter.

Recognize Jesus Who Is in Our Midst

Jesus is in in our midst. Do we Christians get to recognize him? Do we give witness to him by the way we are, live and act?  Priests, Levites and Pharisees grill John as if they were in court. And he does not hesitate to recognize simply that he is not the Messiah nor...
Anger that Is Just and Constructive as Jesus’

Perfect as Our Father in Heaven

Jesus, who is in the bosom of the Father and knows him up close, shows us the divine face.  He wants us to be perfect as our Father. It is quite clear what it means to be perfect as our Father in heaven:  to go beyond what the law and the prophets command and forbid. ...

A Surprise Gift From Pope Francis

A Surprise Gift From Pope Francis

Much to my surprise, Pope Francis seemed to comment on yesterday’s Mindwalk. Of course, I know he never read it … but his reflection today certainly fit! See if you agree with his comments on “Blessed are the poor in Spirit.” Pope Francis begins with a question Who...