
To Serve the Poor in their Material and Spiritual Need (Part I)

It seems to be very clear that Vincent de Paul viewed evangelization as a process that involved ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of the poor. Part 1

The Challenge that Young Vincentians Face During this time of Pandemic

During this time of pandemic, young people have been encouraged to come to the forefront and to assume great responsibilities.

Do You Remember 9/11… and 8/4?

The explosion on 8/4 will be seared into the minds of every person in Lebanon. Beirut, with its estimated 300,000 homeless is almost already forgotten in world media.

A Canadian View: Systemic Racism – What Can I Do?

I recently posed the following questions to our social justice network within the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP), Canada.

All eyes and ears

To set before you an ideal (1 Cor 7, 35) Jesus is the great prophet God raised up from among us at the coming of the time of fulfillment. He teaches with God’s authority. God acknowledges that we are right, those of us who do not want to die listening to his words...

Have your boarding pass ready

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), January 25, 2015 – Jon 3, 1-5. 10; 1 Cor 7, 29-31; Mk 1, 14-20 The time is running out (1 Cor 7, 29) The proclamation of the kingdom of God is also an invitation to repentance. “The kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink,...