
A Homeless Stereotype Blown Out of the Water

A Homeless Stereotype Blown Out of the Water

“First Generation Disciples”(John 10: 14-15)

“Handing on the tradition” is a phrase often connected with matters of faith.

Systemic Change Calls For Paying Attention

There are things we see but don’t pay attention to.

Lead God’s Flock in the Same Way as Jesus

Jesus shows what God does to lead his flock.  And so, he also gives a model for his shepherds. The crowds longed for someone to lead them out of the mess, a Messiah to guide a people in trouble.  But they ended up disappointed since they did not want a suffering...
Better for Us Is Shame, Rather Than Praise

Better for Us Is Shame, Rather Than Praise

Jesus is the embodiment of the truth that it is better to receive shame than praise from the world. The world cannot accept the Word.  The Word is in the world but the world does not know him even.  Though coming to his own, the Word is still not acceptable.  Worldly...

On Love of God

On Love of God

One of the contemporaries of St. Vincent who influenced him on his journey of conversion was St. Francis de Sales. The two famous books of St. Francis de Sales, namely, “Love of God” and “Introduction to Devout Life,” played an important role in his spiritual growth....

Inspired to Serve

Inspired to Serve

Coming into contact with a Vincentian University has changed many lives. From their "10 under 10" series, here's a story of someone inspired by the charism at St. John's University. When the financial crisis hit, Elisa Sciortino was a recent St. John’s graduate who...