
First Aid or Long-term Solutions?

Magdalena puts a face on the problem. But where is that place and is it possible to follow the guidelines we have been hearing.  The story of one woman who is affected.

Experiencing The Spirit’s Descent (Acts 10: 25-48)

When we meet love in our lives, we are experiencing The Spirit.

Unrecognized Experts

People experiencing poverty have an expertise that can not be taught in a classroom. They know their situation from the inside. They understand many dimensions of poverty that may not occur to us.

Noise, Driving Wind, Tongues of Fire

Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit that comes from the Father (Jn 15, 26).  And not to have this Spirit is not to belong to Christ, and not be but noise. It is not that God likes noise.  In fact, he was in a soft whisper (1 Kgs 19, 12).  But he has to vie for people’s...
All our Work Consists in Action

All our Work Consists in Action

St. Vincent was fond of the classic adage, "Totum opus nostrum in operatione consistit." "All of our work consists in action." Or, again, "All our works end up in action." or, more loosely, "Action is our entire task." This applies to everyone, especially leaders....

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast As a child, like most of you, I heard and read the story of “Beauty and the Beast” many times. As an adult, I saw the animated Disney Movie (with Angela Lansbury beautifully singing the title song) and a Broadway version. Now,...

Knowledge for Christian Service

Knowledge for Christian Service

Knowledge of Christ is what matters above all.  Those who know him receive in trust keys of authority to serve others faithfully and caringly. The Father, Lord of heaven and earth, gives to the childlike the knowledge he hides from those who are wise.  Peter is among...

Remembering the Lord

Remembering the Lord

In Kishwahili language of Africa, the Book of Deuteronomy in Bible is called “Kumbukumbu la Torati” which means “Remembering the Torah”. This name is very apt to this book because we find in it in many places there is a constant appeal to the Israelites to remember...

Wonder Women – Vincentian style

Wonder Women – Vincentian style

A recent post in the National Catholic Reporter, "Does Christianity have a Wonder Woman”, triggered thoughts about the women in our own Vincentian tradition. In the Reporter, Jennifer Mertens wrote: As one of millions who have been introduced (or reintroduced) to...

The Value of Effort

The Value of Effort

At this time, in many countries of the northern hemisphere the school year begins. As a reflection on the value of effort and the importance of education, we invite you to see, comment and share the following video, an animated short story that tells us how education...