
A Vincentian View: Our Daily Bread

Remember the Exodus instructions to the people Israel in the desert?  Each morning, they may collect only enough “manna” to feed them for the day (Exod 16:4-15). 

Patient and Lowly as Jesus and Farmers

Jesus is meek and lowly of heart.  He wants us to catch his meekness and lowliness.  Needless to say, the meek and lowly are patient, too, and they put their trust in God. Jesus is a good and patient Teacher.  And “teacher” is the title he receives more than any...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Walking Through Each Day with St. Vincent XIII

St. Vincent told the Daughters of Charity: “Before dinner, make the examination of conscience… on the resolutions you took at meditation…”

Untold Stories: The Cross, the Medal and the Rosary

Every day people come with new and untold stories to the doorway of the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal at 140 rue du Bac.

The Summons #IamVincent

The Summons #IamVincent

When I reflect on my first few weeks with my community and the St. Vincent de Paul society, I cannot help but listen and relate to the hymn, “The Summons”. Each line in this song is a question which seems to directly hit the points I am feeling in this phase of my...

The Finger of God

The Finger of God

Just last week at the end of a sequence of calamitous happenings in the country and world, someone remarked that if he had one wish it would be that when turning on the news he’d hear something other than bad news. His wish caught the dark and heavy feelings of the...

Wisdom that Is Hard to Resist and Believe

Wisdom that Is Hard to Resist and Believe

Jesus has the wisdom in speaking that his adversaries will be powerless to resist or refuse. The Pharisees love it when people recognize their wisdom and call them teachers.  And they are wise, undoubtedly, as the tricky question they address to Jesus through theirs...

A Vincentian View: A Message for Us

A Vincentian View: A Message for Us

A Vincentian View: A Message for Us I have been to more than one Vincent event in the past two weeks which contained an opening prayer which included some passage from Pope Francis’ message to the Vincentian Family on September 27th. Different people, different...