
A Shelter or a Way Out Of Homelessness?

St Vincent believed that if you gave a hungry person a sandwich you fed that person for a day. But that did not solve the underlying problem.

A Vincentian View: The Sleeping Jesus

All of us have probably seen a representation of that statue that sits on the desk of Pope Francis—the sleeping Joseph. 

Which Story Interests You Most?

Whose story are you most aware of? Can you recognize the interconnection of all stories? Do Vincentians have a special vocation as storytellers?

Person of Jesus More than Proposition

Jesus takes away our diseases and bears our illnesses (Mt 8, 17; Is 53, 4).  Hence, for the disciple, to live a life of faith is to be the mercy of the Teacher in person. Jairus falls at Jesus’ feet and pleads that he goes with him.  For his little daughter is dying...
The Power of a Shared Meal

The Power of a Shared Meal

Richard Schiffman's reflection on GRIST is worth another read. There is one Thanksgiving that I will never forget. It took place at my Mother’s apartment on New York’s Upper Westside. It was the last Thanksgiving dinner that she hosted, and I was her only guest. By...

Evangelizer of All Kinds of Poor People

Evangelizer of All Kinds of Poor People

Jesus is the Evangelizer of the poor.  All those who live announcing the Good News to the poor belong to him and are heirs to the kingdom. Jesus goes around to all towns and villages.  He teaches in the synagogues and proclaims the Gospel of the kingdom.  Moreover, he...

Rest in Peace Deacon Pat

Rest in Peace Deacon Pat

Let me tell you about a Vincentian martyr for the cause of the homeless. Deacon Patrick Logsdon directed a program for the homeless, men from the street and men just released from prison, at Anthony House in Roosevelt, NY.  This residence is a transitional housing...