
Flying Geese, Fighter Pilots and Ministry

The next time you watch a flock of geese, pause for a moment — think about what they can teach us about ministry in general and, especially, “long-haul” ministries of systemic change.

Choose the One Who Chooses Us First

Jesus leads and completes the mission of those he sees fit to choose on his own initiative.  They, in turn, keep their eyes on him; he shows them to be like him and do as he. It is Jesus who takes the initiative to choose his apostles, missionaries or those he sends. ...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? I

Luke 4:18 – “He has sent me to… bring good news to the poor.”

Seeking Wisdom Through Common Ground

In 1993, my husband Bill and I set out on a new journey and, together with the Vincentian priests and brothers, birthed the Colorado Vincentian Volunteers (which is now part of MISEVI).

God With Us

God With Us

An Advent reflection, I can do that. It will be beautiful; all starlight and inspiration. I clear my plans for the evening, no record keeping, grading or lesson planning, no dishes or laundry. Inspiration needs quiet and time and putting the ‘to do’ list to the side....

Nimble in Advent

Nimble in Advent

Nimble in Advent (Is. 64; I Cor 1:3; Mk. 13:33) There’s a term I’ve heard used lately in business circles that’s practically become a buzz word. And that’s “nimble.” It refers to the quickness with which a given company can react to changes happening in the world...

Each Person Has A Story

Each Person Has A Story

“Each person has a story” so said my friend A. C. When I was asked to write a piece about the Vincentian charism in action, I was still trying to decide what to do when I went to Mass at Sacred Heart Parish, Mill Hill, London, UK.  “A” is known to me as an AIC member,...