
Whatever Became of Sin… and Compassion?

Compassion literally means “to suffer together.”

Rejoice in the Lord, for He is Near

Jesus is near.  He will rule the world and all peoples with justice.  Hence, those who wait for him, and seek his kingdom, rejoice. The prophet Zephaniah bids those whom God has chosen to rejoice and sing with joy.  For the Lord who fights for them and frees them is...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History X

Vincent was convinced that the poor exist because society is badly organized and the wealth badly distributed.

Called to Evangelize and To Be Evangelized

Attention to the realities of present-day society, especially to the factors that cause an unequal distribution of the world’s goods, so that we can better carry out our prophetic task of evangelization.

Burn with Zeal for the Kingdom of God

Good News of Jesus in a World of Bad News

Jesus embodies the Good News that he brings to those who live in a world of bad news.  He expects Christians to do likewise Sadly, women, children and those with disabilities often do not count.  But the good news is that Jesus protects women against heartless and...

A Canadian View: Crime and Us

A Canadian View: Crime and Us

I have often wondered why our prison system in Canada is called Corrections Canada when there seems to be little evidence of trying to re-habilitate prisoners while they serve their sentence. It would be too simple to compare our system with that of the USA where the...