
Virtual Book Discussion Hosted by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth invite you and your congregation to join us for a virtual book discussion and conversation with the author of “Under the Sky We Make: How to be Human in a Warming World,”

An Eight-year-old Jesus Figure

I have rarely if ever, thought of a 21st century 8-year-old as a Jesus figure.

Being The Beloved (Isaiah 40:11: Lk 3:22)

A gift – something given over freely, with good will and coming not from obligation but from good will and esteem. It raises the question: of all the gifts to receive, which would be the most valuable and precious?

If I were John the Baptist…

In the back of my head, I have wondered why Jesus was baptized. After all, Jesus is the Son of God. He is sinless. There had to be something more.

Embrace of Love for All of God’s Children

Embrace of Love for All of God’s Children

Jesus is the firstfruits of the resurrection.  Those who love as he does, and embrace lovingly even the wicked and the thankless, live in the newness of life. Luke took liberty with Is 61, 1-2, the passage that Jesus read at the synagogue in Nazareth.  The Gospel...

Embrace of Love for All of God’s Children

Blissful and Woeful Far Beyond Belief

Jesus became poor to make us rich by his poverty.  He is the firstborn among many poor brothers and sisters who trust in God and, hence, are blissful. Jesus teaches that poor people are blessed, blissful.  And those, too, who are hungry, and those who are weeping. ...