
Lenten Video Series, Day 24: Receiving Jesus

When dealing with infertility, Amy turned her sacrifice into joy by listening to where God wanted her to go.

Holy and Just in the Sight of God

Jesus ushers in the new creation. He comes to make all things new. Hence, he wants us to be just and holy. The prodigal son goes back home. He stands for those who are not holy: robbers, evildoers, adulterers, tax collectors. But as it turns out, the older son should...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XXVI

One of the reasons for Saint Vincent de Paul to be considered a key figure in the history of the holiness of the Church is his style of living his vocation. Each week we will present an example.

Lenten Video Series, Day 23: Committed

The psychological pain of engaging in the pro-life movement is a daily challenge.

Serve God Alone and Not Money

Serve God Alone and Not Money

Jesus shows us the way to serve God absolutely and not money ever. Do we Christians, and Vincentians besides, really learn from him? Jesus does not love money. He is not all like those who sneer at him on hearing him say, “You cannot serve both God and wealth.”...