
A Canadian View: What are Nature’s Laws?

The laws of Indigenous Peoples around the world are often referred to as “Nature’s Laws.”

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

“They recounted how…he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.”

Jesus Drew the Best Out of Ordinary People

The Jerusalem stockbrokers would not have been very interested in Jesus’ leadership team. They liked the way rabbis were picked from among the most promising.

Mind and Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus and the Father are one and of one mind and heart.  And to be a Christian means to have Christ’s mind and heart. Jesus walks about in the temple area on Solomon’s Porch or Colonnade.  It is a place many people go to, especially in winter.  For there, due to a...
Greatness Really Means Littleness

Greatness Really Means Littleness

Although great, Jesus becomes little for our sake. As we associate, as Jesus, with the little folks, we grasp the meaning of Christmas that greatness lies in littleness. In the beginning is the Word, the Word is with God, and is God. All things come to be through him,...