
Dear Church

The privilege of being part of the Vincentian Family Justice Representatives also involves a serious responsibility to learn and grow with issues of social justice. 

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Lightness of Divine Mercy

For humans, finding a balance between justice and mercy is always difficult. But St. Elizabeth Ann Seton understood that God’s grace transcends earthly limits, and allows mercy to fall lightly from heaven on our hearts and minds.

Paying It Forward (Acts 2:42-47)

In the Acts of the Apostles, we come across a behavior that is not quite self-explanatory.

Are There Any Roads You Have Not Taken?

Today I ask are there any roads I didn’t take… or maybe not followed far enough?

Loaves and Fish of the Poor for the Poor

Loaves and Fish of the Poor for the Poor

Jesus is the answer in full that the Father gives to our prayers.  And we poor people ask him to give us this day our daily loaves of bread. Jesus draws many people due to the signs he has performed for the sick.  But he seems to draw more people after going up on the...

Loaves and Fish of the Poor for the Poor

Gather the Scattered, Lost, Separated

Jesus Christ is our peace and rest.  He is with us to gather those whom the bad shepherds have scattered, misled and driven apart. The apostles gather together with Jesus.  They tell him how they have fulfilled the task he gave them.  The Teacher, for his part, sees...