
Receiving Me (2 Kings,4; Mt 10:40)

Two agitated men, just coming from a disastrous happening, were walking down a country road and pouring out their shared troubles. Each was focused on his own grief, but each was also was taking in the pain of the other.

Do Mothers Have Favorites?

Do mothers have favorites? It depends on who you ask! Here I explore whether God has favorite children.

Optimists, for They Rely on the Word

Jesus is at once the Good News of the kingdom and he that preaches it.  He wants us to be optimists, preaching with him bountifully, not sparingly.


In the Bible, the First Book of Kings chapter three and four speaks about King Solomon and the greatness of his rule. He had a strong administrative structure. The army was also very strong and he was sovereign over all other neighboring kingdoms. During his rule we...
Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Jesus is the light of the world.  To follow him means not to walk in the dark, in lies, but to have the light of life, the truth. Jesus warns his hearers about blindness and the darkness that comes with it.  It is, of course, about spiritual blindness, about not...