
From Feeling Good to Doing Right • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"There are many who, recollected exteriorly, and filled with lofty sentiments of God interiorly, stop at that, and when it comes to the point of doing something, and they have the opportunity to act, they come up short. They flatter themselves with their ardent...

I Actually Attended a Session of Vatican II

Yes! I figuratively rubbed shoulders with some 2000 bishops inside St. Peter’s! There are not many left who can say that.

Public Transportation – Convenience, Hassle, or Lifeline?

A 2015 Harvard study found that access to reliable transportation is the biggest factor in determining whether someone will escape poverty and avoid homelessness.

Prayer Visuals (I Kings: 19; Matthew: 14)

The Scriptures are filled with striking visuals for our lives of faith, and in particular for our lives of prayer. One is in chapter 19 of the Book of Kings, up on the mountain with the Prophet Elijah who is fleeing from the threats of Jezebel and her husband King...
Upset, Dismay, Annoy, Distress

Upset, Dismay, Annoy, Distress

Jesus is the peace between natives and foreigners, whites and blacks, men and women.  One, then, need not be upset by the other. Jesus says good-bye at length to his disciples.  For he wants them to keep their faith in him; he does not want trials to upset them. No,...

Upset, Dismay, Annoy, Distress

Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Jesus is the proof that God loves us.  Sent by God, he teaches us to love.  He makes love the Christians’ distinctive mark and the means of salvation. Judas leaves so as to carry out fully the betrayal.  And this treasonous leave is a distinctive sign that Jesus’ hour...