
On the Edge of a Heart Attack • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"The souls of poor persons have the image of God imprinted upon them, and therefore we're bound to honor the Blessed Trinity in them." Vincent de Paul (CCD:VII:conference 10). Reflection: A simple sentence but...what a sentence! A lucid...

January 7: Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira, D.C.

From the International Daughters of Charity website, "Sister Lindalva was the first woman to be beatified in Brazil. She was still a young Daughter of Charity, 4 years vocation, when she was martyred. Her fidelity to her vocation and her love for everyone without...

In Her Own Words… St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Quotes of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – download as PowerPoint, PDF, or a series of images

An 8-year-old Jesus Figure

We all know the story of a young Jesus who amazed the learned rabbis in the temple.

Feed Other Humans First of All

Feed Other Humans First of All

Jesus seeks to feed us with his body and blood, so that we may have life to the full.  He loves us, yes, to the end. For sure, the thirty pieces of silver cannot but feed even more Judas Iscariot’s greed.  But does the traitor sell Jesus for a trifle, asking no high...