
Part 2: Episcopal Message Resurfaces

Highlights from Part 2 of a truly prophetic forgotten document published by the U.S. Catholic Bishops more than a quarter-century ago. 

Contemplation: The Challenge of Modern Times

This post originally appeared on Blessed Frédéric and his friends founded the Society in 1833 in answer to a challenge posed to them by another group of students in a discussion group called the Conference of History. The other students, adherents to San...

It’s Called Fairness

A three-year-old screams “It’s not fair” when she thinks her brother gets something she doesn’t.  Another child cries out the same when told it’s time for bed while an older sibling stays up.

Who’s In/Out? (Mark 3:20-35)

I remember a man complaining that there was too much dissention in his family. He used a memorable phrase to describe their connections: “In a given month, who’s in and who’s out?”