
Leave God for God

What meaning does this have for MISEVI today as we prepare for an Extraordinary Assembly in Bogota, Colombia in April of this year?  How are we called to “leave God for God?”

Firewood for the Soul: Comfort in others

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

A Vincentian Minute: What Why How 03

Fr. Rooney speaks about the things we do, and why and how we do it. This week: a collaborative approach.

“Beauty” is in God • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"What can compare to the beauty of God, who is the source of all the beauty and perfection of creatures? Is it not from God that the flowers, the birds, the stars, the moon, and the sun derive their luster and beauty?  (SVP, vol XIII, no. 43). Vincent de Paul. [box...
Table to Which Jesus Invites us

Table to Which Jesus Invites us

Jesus gives us his flesh to eat and his blood to drink.  To sit down at his table means to be one with him and with others. Jesus tells the Jews, that is to say, the Jewish religious authorities, that the bread he will give is his flesh.  This gives rise to a quarrel...