
Sisters’ Work During 1918 Spanish Flu Seen As Model For Crisis Today

Catholic nuns emerged as the unexpected heroes in the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic that killed hundreds of thousands in the United States and millions worldwide.

Pentecost 2020 and our Vincentian Family

Fr. Joe Agostino, international coordinator of the Vincentian Family Office, posted a video with an interesting reflection on this Pentecost.

Feast Day of Blessed Marta Wiecka, D.C. (May 30)

Download a printable Blessed Marta Wiecka Holy Card, and see a presentation on her life.

We Are God’s Story… and God’s Story-tellers

We are God’s Story… and God’s Storytellers

Same ole same ole?

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), February 16, 2014 – Sir 15, 15-20; 1 Cor 2, 6-10; Mt 5, 17-37 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Cor 5, 17) Jesus, with his announcement of the kingdom and his lifestyle, represents conversion and newness.  But radical...

Fatal attraction

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A), January 26, 2014 – Is 8, 23b – 9, 3; 1 Cor 1, 10-13. 17; Mt 4, 12-23 Praising God and enjoying favor with all the people (Acts 2, 47) Rather than impose, brightness attracts.  Whoever imposes admits he is not attractive. St. Francis...