
Lessons learned during the pandemic, #14: to go to the essence of things

This situation that we have experienced as a Family — and I, as a doctor on the front-lines treating COVID-19 patients — has forced us to return to our essence.

A Vincentian View: Faithful to the Mission

In this academic year, St. John’s University, where I minister, celebrates its 150th anniversary. 

Speaking Truth to Power

Pope Francis and St. Vincent spoke truth to power. What guidelines might be helpful consider in speaking truth to power?

Trustworthy and Fruitful Tenants

Jesus embodies the trust to the extreme that God puts in us.  And such trust lifts us up so that we become fruitful, trustworthy and ready to give God the fruit that is due him. God must surely take us to be trustworthy.  Or he would not lease us his vineyard.  That...
Labor Day and Laudato Si

Labor Day and Laudato Si

The US Bishops are drawing the connection between Labor Day and Laudato Si. Families have been receiving a lot of attention recently. In his encyclical, Laudato Si', Pope Francis teaches that of all the groups that play a role in the welfare of society and help ensure...

Enemies within

Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), September 6, 2015 – Is 35, 4-7a; Jas 2, 1-5; Mk 7, 31-37 Have you not become judges with evil designs? (Jas 2, 4) Jesus makes the deaf hear and the mute speak, so that they may, with exultation, listen to and proclaim the Good...

Will you pray for creation?

Will you pray for creation?

Pope Francis has asked all to prayer for creation on September 1. Pope Francis wishes to remind us that: “Christians are called to an ecological conversion whereby the effects of their encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their relationship with the world...

Jesus at our Meetings

Jesus at our Meetings

Service in Hope – Hearer & Doer - Footprints - Jesus at our Meetings Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday September 1, 2015  Wonderful Vincentian Servants:  Here we are into September and most of us are back from holidays and are busy, busy, and busy! ...