
What It Means to Pray Without Ceasing According to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

God doesn’t want a casual relationship. He wants us to turn to him in everything we do. As St. Elizabeth Ann Seton says: “He wants us to lift our hearts to him. Always.”

Speaking to God Through Scripture with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton found in Sacred Scripture a path to God. Her life embodied what the Second Vatican Council called the “force and power in the word of God” that becomes the “support and energy of the Church.”

The Shining Gaze (Ps 4:7a; Lk 24:36-80)

A favorite verse, Psalm 4, reads: “Lord, let your face shine upon us.” It summons up a very warm and private kind of experience that each of us in our own way can recognize.

Mayday! – Pope Francis and Vincentian Voices

Mayday! Mayday! It’s the call that no airplane pilot or ship’s captain ever wants to make. Why? Because it means trouble. Big trouble!

The Way – Christian Code

The Way – Christian Code

Fr. Tom McKenna offers a reflection entitled A Christian Code: The Way                   (Mk 10: 46-52; Jeremiah 31:7-9) In one place or other, most all of us have come across the phrase “code word.” It means some word or phrase that at first seems unimportant, but if...

How do we define ourselves

How do we define ourselves

Fr. Tom McKenna  reflects on The Rich Young Man   (Mk. 10:17-22) and how we define ourselves in an essay “I …, Therefore I Am” “I …, Therefore I Am” In a philosophy class, a teacher asked, “What is your cogito?” I thought he meant some bone or other body part -- but...

Wide open

Wide open

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), November 8, 2015 – 1 Kgs 17, 10-16; Heb 9, 24-28; Mk 12, 38-44 Not a sanctuary made by hands but heaven itself (Heb 9, 24) Jesus urges us to see to it that our surrender be like his. He wishes us divine fullness. Everything...

Father Pat Griffin on costumes

Father Pat Griffin on costumes

Father Pat Griffin continues his series Considering Consecrated Life with a reflection on costumes. “Costumes” In many areas, Halloween for children involves costume parties on that morning/afternoon more than wandering the streets “trick-or-treating.”  In some...

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