
A Hometown Success Story

“More than 95% of those who cycle through [Project HOME]… have never again returned to life on the streets— a success rate that has made the program a model for dozens of other U.S. cities.”

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #11: A Vincentian PQRST

A Vincentian PQRST will involve: Pandemic, Questions, Reality, Salt, Transform.

Sacramental Speaking and Listening (Ezekiel, 33; Matthew, 18)

A question often on the lips of a believer: where and how is God present in my life?

How Blend Systemic Change and a “Culture of Encounter”?

How do offer I friendship, provide holistic service, and serve as advocates for those who are poor?


All Saints, November 1, 2015 – Rev 7, 2-4. 9-14; 1 Jn 3, 1-3; Mt 5, 1-12a We shall be like him (1 Jn 3, 2) Jesus, righteous and merciful, is the image of the most holy God. Those who see him and become like him see God and become saints. Jesus goes about doing good...

Vincentian Life Journey

Vincentian Life Journey

Listen - Fasting & Forgiveness – Vincentian Life Journey - Vincentian Charisma Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday October 27, 2015 Dear Vincentian Family.  It is always a wonderful blessing to share and pray for family.  I hope you will pray for each...

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