
“Rescue the poor and helpless from the grasp of evil…” Psalm 82, V. 4

Pope Francis has said that, “Human trafficking is the most extensive form of slavery in this twenty-first century!”

A Vincentian View: Joseph 2.0

All of us have probably seen a representation of that statue that sits on the desk of Pope Francis—the sleeping Joseph. 

Flying Geese, Fighter Pilots and Ministry

The next time you watch a flock of geese, pause for a moment — think about what they can teach us about ministry in general and, especially, “long-haul” ministries of systemic change.

Choose the One Who Chooses Us First

Jesus leads and completes the mission of those he sees fit to choose on his own initiative.  They, in turn, keep their eyes on him; he shows them to be like him and do as he. It is Jesus who takes the initiative to choose his apostles, missionaries or those he sends. ...
Be The Change You Want!

Be The Change You Want!

Real change starts with recognizing that we are part of the systems we seek to change. The fear and distrust we seek to remedy also exist within us—as do the anger, sorrow, doubt, and frustration. Our actions will not become more effective until we shift the nature of the awareness and thinking behind the actions.

Spirit of Signs, Life as well as Truth

Spirit of Signs, Life as well as Truth

At the request of Jesus, God gives the Holy Spirit to those who love Jesus. First, the Spirit remains with those who prove they love Jesus by keeping his commandments.  As the presence of the Ascended one who has become the Giver of gifts, the Spirit equips believers...

New VinFormation Site is Live!

New VinFormation Site is Live!

Take some time and check out our newly renovated VinFormation site! Now also available in Spanish En español: VinFormación Presentations, Videos, Timelines, Prayers, Quotes, Images... the resources are never-ending and are available to you with the click of a link....

Befriending the Other #IamVincent

Befriending the Other #IamVincent

Coming to the Midwest I expected to jump right into a new community. I had moved many times before and was generally good at the whole “making friends” thing. But it suddenly became harder after living intentionally with nine souls that intricately became connected...