
Steadfast in their Prayers, and Trusting

Jesus is the reason why God does not hold back from those who are steadfast in their prayers the blessings they ask for with trust. The teaching today is that we should be steadfast in our prayers.  And it seems that what is good about being steadfast is that we annoy...

Vincentian Prayer Images: “The Colors of Charity” • 7

This series is a visual memory of the art exhibition “The Colors of Charity,” which was on exhibit from 15 December 2017 to 25 February 2018 at the Collegio Alberoni of Piacenza.

“Renewal of Vincentian Spirituality” Part 5

This is the fifth in a series of presentations based on the article The Revitalization of Vincentian Spirituality, by John P. Prager, CM.   Download PPT   Download PDF...

Episcopal Message Resurfaces (Part 2)

Highlights from Part 2 of a truly prophetic forgotten document published by the U.S. Catholic Bishops more than a quarter-century ago.

Increase Faith and Stir It into Flame

Increase Faith and Stir It into Flame

Jesus Christ is the leader and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12, 2). It is right, then, that we ask him to increase always our faith. Faith is a divine gift (Rom 12, 3; Phil 1, 29; 2 Pt 1, 1). That is, God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit gives it to us. We ask it, then, from...