
Mother Theresa and her “call within a call”

In 1946, during a train ride from Calcutta to Darjeeling, Mother Teresa received what she called, “the call within a call.” The Lord asked her to begin a new religious community that would live and work with the poorest of the poor.

Contemplation: Chosen From All Eternity – SSVP USA, a Weekly Reflection

This post originally appeared on Virtue, our catechism teaches, is a “habitual and firm disposition to do good.” [CCC: 1833] The good deeds themselves are not the virtue; they are, or should be, the fruits of our virtue. From our virtue of charity comes...

Sap of Life, Strength and Fruitfulness

Jesus is the true vine.  He gives the branches that remain in him the sap that gives them life and strength and makes them bear plenty of fruit. Jesus uses the allegory of the vine and the branches. He does so since he wants to make clear how his disciples should...

The Beginnings of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 191 Years ago

April 23, 2024 marks the 211th anniversary of the birth of Frederic Ozanam and the 191st anniversary of the creation of the first charity conference. A seemingly insignificant event, a controversy over the then scarce charitable action of the Church in France,...
Miracles, Prodigious Signs of the Messiah

Miracles, Prodigious Signs of the Messiah

Jesus preaches the Good News to the poor and works miracles for those who are sick and hurting.  He is the Messiah Israel waits for.  Miracles, wonderful deeds, spectacular events, both attract and frighten most of us humans. So, it does not come as a surprise that...